About Leadpipe Games

Hello, my name is Chris, and I'm an independent Flash developer specializing in games. I've programmed games for clients including AddictingGames, MTV Arcade, and HoodaMath. I created this site to share some of the games I've programmed as well as other games that I like. I hope you enjoy them.


My development process leverages the Adobe Gaming SDK. By creating your game with Flash ActionScript and the Starling framework, I can help you:

  • Publish hardware-accelerated games to browsers and mobile platforms from a single source
  • Store your game's art assets as scalable vector graphics, so you don't have to update them everytime a new screen size / resolution hits the market
  • Create apps that generate optimally sized bitmap assets / texture atlases from Flash vector sources at first-run, and cache them locally


Get in touch with me at: